Electric Mermaid: Rachelle Mecca @Char's


Wednesday, August 30, 2023 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm


Char's Landing

4815 Argyle Street, Port Alberni


Electric Mermaid: Live Reads from Char's Landing, Port Alberni, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
Emcee: Derek Hanebury  Moderator: Karl Korven   Host & ZOOM Producer: Charlene Patterson
Spoken Word Open Mic at Char's Landing, last Wednesday of each month
Char's physical doors open 5:30pm Pacific Time
Rachelle Mecca   20 min  + Q&A (Port Alberni, In person)
Rachelle is a poet living in Port Alberni, BC. She creates poetic art while running her tea shop, MeccaTea. She was first bit by the poetry bug in 2008 when she was 12 years old, inspired by music she listened to. She discovered her “voice” as a writer in 2014 through a Writer’s Craft class in high school. When she moved to British Columbia in 2019, she began to connect with the spirit of the land, along with her love for tea, reflect deeper inside, and began using writing as a spiritual lifeline. Since arriving, she has self-published two books of poetry; a collection of works all composed during 2020 (Chaos of Tao) and 2021 (Reverse Cycle, Repeat), and is currently finishing her third book of 2022 (Emptiness of the Way). Her books express her journey throughout the year. Themes of nature, consciousness, worldly events, love, mental health, and tea. Rachelle speaks with musicality, intent, a stylistic flair reminiscent of Freddie Mercury, with lines to shock the senses. Poetry to me is a journey. It’s not just the sweet tales of finely crafted words. It’s a sensation that takes me by brute force making me grab a pen and jot down the lines beginning to formulate in my mind. Write, or else I’ll crumble into despair over having missed a golden opportunity to preserve this moment that struck my heart. Glimpse into my mind. See how I see the world. Feel something different. Alter your perspective.
Purchase books on Amazon:
... Chaos of Tao: https://a.co/d/66TxTcH (May2021)
... Reverse Cycle, Repeat: https://a.co/d/7RvDwOr (April2022)
READER 01 00:00:00 Peter Van  Camp  5 min  Via  Zoom  ( Denman Island,BC)
READER 02 00:06:00 Victoria Roscoe - Roumanis   5 min  in Person  ( Port Alberni )
FEATURE     00:12:00 Rachelle Mecca    20 min   +Q&A  in Person  ( Port Albern BC )
READER 04  00:40:00 David Kippling   6 min  Via  Zoom  (Gibson  BC)
READER 05  00:48:30 Lesli  Omhundro - Bronczowski 10 mIn  (German )
READER 06  01:01:30 Jennifer  Wenn   5min Via  Zoom  ( London  ONT)
READER 07  01:07:00 Kathleen Vance  5min Via Zoom  ( GIbson BC
READER 08  01:12:00 Shawna M  5 min  in Person  ( Port Alberni  BC )
READER 09  01:19:45 Vicki Drybough  5min  in Person  ( Port  Alberni BC)
READER 10  01:27:15 Joe Lunchbucket aka Bob Frankow  5min  In Person  ( Port  Albeni  BC )
READER 11  01:31:45 Stephen  Novik  5min in Person  ( [Port  Alberni  BC )
READER 12  01:35:00 Karen Poirier  5min in person (Port Alberni BC)
READER 00  01:42:30 Derek Hanebury in person (Port Alberni BC)
Rachelle  Mecca   20 min  + Q&A In  person  
Aug 30th Event Details => https://alberni.ca/events/37180  YouTube => https://youtu.be/-eIy6fSbWZQ
Char’s Landing 19+ (accompanied kids welcome until 10pm)
4815 Argyle @5th Port Alberni, Vancouver Island, CANADA V9Y 1V9
Tel: 778-421-2427 www.charslanding.com
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