A.V. Bridge Club |
Al Parker |
A.V. Coin Club |
Carl Johnson |
A.V. Open Heart Society |
Beverly Lacey |
A.V. Restorative Justice Committee** |
Russ McLaughlin |
250-723-5227 |
Abbeyfield Port Alberni |
Marleen Dietrich |
250-723-3178 |
ADSS Auditorium (Rentals) |
Lyle Marsh |
250-720-7642 |
Alberni Community School |
Cathy Cross |
Alberni First Aid (St. John’s) |
250-723-0974 |
Alberni Lifeline |
West Coast General Hospital |
250-731-1370 ext. 48147 |
Alberni Radio Control Society |
Bob Hunter |
250-724-0296 |
Alberni Valley Community Band - AVCB |
Wayne Janzen |
250-724-4739 |
Alberni Valley Kennel Club |
Lisa Tremblay |
205-723-8256 |
Alberni Valley United Church |
Rev. Minnie Hornidge |
250-723-8332 |
Alpar Shriner Club |
Don Whyte |
250-723-8772 |
Alzheimer Support & Information |
Margaret Souther |
250-724-1810 250-724-2695 |
Anne’s Family Child Care |
Anne Heggs |
250-724-2294 |
Army Cadets |
Capt John Cloke |
250-730-0944 |
Arthritis Support Group |
Judy Hall |
250-724-7234 |
AV Alcohol & Drug Prevention Service |
Antonia Botting |
250-724-6166 |
AV Newcomers & Friends |
Vanayssa Love |
250-723-3863 |
Barkley Sounds Community Choir |
Nancy Blair |
Bee Keepers |
John Van Appledorn |
250-724-6639 |
Beta Sigma Phi |
Rosemary Mckinnell |
250-724-0335 |
Big Brothers/Sisters |
Erin Ryding |
250-723-7450 |
Blood Services Volunteers |
Dragana Nikolic |
250-418-5086 |
Canadian Cancer Society |
Betty Argotow |
250-723-9788 |
Canadian Diabetes Assoc. (Clothesline) |
1-800-505-5525 |
Canadian Diabetes Association |
Bonnie McDougall |
Canadian Hard of Hearing Assoc. (P.A. Branch) |
Neil Abrahamson |
250-723-3750 |
Canadian National Institute for the Blind |
250-751-2342 |
Capitol Theatre |
250-723-1195 |
Care and Share Program (Fir Park Village) |
250-724-6541 |
Catholic’s Women’s League |
Catholic Church |
250-723-8912 |
Central Vancouver Island Health Unit |
250-724-1281 |
Chinese Canadian Society |
250-724-6744 |
Christian Women’s Club |
Gail Kohle |
250-723-2357 |
Community Policing Office |
250-723-2441 |
Continuing Care |
250-720-0334 |
Discovery Preschool |
Joell Turgeon, ECE senior supervisor; Karlee Knoll, ECE supervisor |
250-723-2181 |
Echo Village Auxiliary |
Gwen McLellan |
250-724-4699 |
Ecole des Grands-Cedres |
Mr. Johan Couttenier |
250-723-5614 |
Endometriosis Information |
Linda Lubiner |
250-723-3996 |
Family Guidance (Rainbows) |
250-724-0125 |
Folk Song Circle |
Diane Dvorak |
250-724-3895 |
Girl Guides of Canada |
Lorna Tetrault |
250-724-2487 |
Golden Oldies Car Club |
Don Dimert |
250-724-2927 |
Gyro Club of the Albernis |
Kevin Clark |
250-723-0200 |
HandyDART |
250-724-1311 |
Hard of Hearing Support Group |
Bob Gaskin |
250-724-4068 |
Head Injury Support Group |
Linda Kenny |
Healthy Beginnings Group (Baby and Toddler) |
Port Alberni Health Unit |
250-731-1315 |
Hummingburde Child Care Centre |
Margaret McGarry |
250-723-4919 |
Income Tax Program (Volunteer) |
Joyce Bergen |
250-724-2253 |
Infant Development Program |
Marilyn Hickey |
250-724-1281 |
International Order of Jobs Daughters |
Italian Canadian Society |
Enzo Zanetti |
250-724-7393 |
Jericho Road |
John Cox |
250-723-2328 |
Kiwanis Hilton Centre |
Susan Fox |
250-723-7345 |
Knee Waas |
Friendship Centre |
250-723-8281 250-723-2323 250-723-4050 |
Lifeline Program |
West Coast General Hospital |
Long Term Care Services |
250-720-0334 |
M.S. Support Group |
Carol Ryding |
250-724-0884 |
Mental Health & Addiction Services |
250-724-3554 |
Ministry of Social Services |
250-720-2600 |
Navy League Cadet Corps ARMOUR FORD |
Robin Allen |
250-731-6600 |
Nights Alive! |
Deb Barr |
250-723-2181 |
North Island College |
250-724-8711 |
Nuu-Chah-Nulth Tribal Council |
Richard Watts |
250-724-5757 |
Order of the Eastern Star |
Anne McDonald |
250-723-3079 |
Outreach Therapy |
Susan Fox |
250-723-1117 |
P.A. Associate Chapter Kidney Foundation |
Frank Merx |
250-723-8276 |
P.A. Friendship Centre |
Cyndi Stevens |
250-723-8281 |
P.A. Genealogy Club |
Heather Maloney |
250-724-3853 |
P.A. MS Society |
Carol Nuttall |
250-724-4530 |
P.A. Power Squadron |
Rene Lacoursier |
250-724-4590 |
P.A. Special Olympics |
Edna McCreight |
250-724-5096 |
P.A. Women’s Resources Society |
Anne Grabroski |
250-724-7111 |
P.A. Women’s Resources Society |
Joanne Silver |
250-724-7111 |
PAGO Grannies |
Diane Dobson |
250-724-1566 |
Pallette Painters |
Eleanor Coffey |
Parkinson Society BC |
www.parkinson.bc.ca |
1-800-668-3330 |
Parkinson’s Support Group |
Irene Shepherd |
250-723-2864 |
Parks & Recreation (Senior Programs) |
Karen Freethy |
250-720-2509 |
Parks and Recreation (Youth & Adult Programs) |
Nathan Kwan |
250-720-2524 |
Parks and Recreation Children Programs |
Jordan Newberry |
250-720-2525 |
Patricia Schiffelers and Friends Society |
Krista Schifflers |
250-723-2701 |
Port Alberni Christian School |
250-723-2700 |
Port Alberni Navy League |
250-723-7442 |
Port Alberni Orchestra & Chorus Society |
Karen Sparrow |
250-724-5244 |
Post Polio Awareness Support Society |
Bonnie Morgan |
250-724-1695 |
Prenatal Classes |
Port Alberni Health Unit |
250-731-1315 |
Rainbows (Family Guidance) |
250-724-0125 |
Rollin Art Centre |
Melissa Martin |
250-724-3412 |
Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffalos |
Royal Canadian Legion Branch #55 |
250-723-6722 |
School Board Gym Rentals |
SD #70 Board Office Reception |
250-723-3565 |
Sea Cadets (Ages 12-18) |
Capt John Cloke |
250-730-0944 |
Senior’s Peer Counselling |
Mary Lou McLaughlin |
250-723-6339 |
Somass Toastmasters Club |
Shirley Maxwell |
250-724-0976 |
Starfleet |
250-724-7293 |
Stepping Stones Daycare/Preschool |
Julie Spencer |
250-723-5012 |
Supported Child Care |
Janet Anker |
250-723-1006 |
The Learning Place |
Diane Blake |
250-723-3041 |
The Stepping Out Club |
Susan Gifford |
250-723-5431 |
Timbre! Choir |
Karen Sparrow |
250-724-5244 |
Tswaayus (Rainbow Gardens) |
205-724-5655 |
United Native Nations Society |
Marcus Oppenheimer |
250-730-2866 |
Victim Services - RCMP |
Tamara Cocco |
West Coast Highlanders Pipe Band |
Bob Linden |
250-723-7404 |
Young Life Port Alberni |
Rebecca Roosma |
250 730 5437 |
Youthquest |
Antonia Botting |
250-724-6166 |