Port Alberni Hockey

Alberni District 4-H Clubs
Email Alberni District 4-H Clubs

Alberni Golf Club
Alberni Golf Club
Located at the hub of the Pacific Rim, the Alberni Valley has many treasures for you to discover. Nestled amongst the evergreens under the ever watchful presence of Mount Arrowsmith, you will find one of these at the Alberni Golf Club.
Email Alberni Golf Club

Alberni Motocross Association
Alberni Motocross Association
Our track is ridable almost all year round and open for members to practice at their convenience.
Email Alberni Motocross Association

Alberni Valley Bulldogs Hockey Club
Email Alberni Valley Bulldogs Hockey Club

Alberni Valley Curling Club
Alberni Valley Curling Club
Providing a sociable recreation opportunity for all persons of all ages, through the sport of curling at a reasonable cost. Come down and HURRY HARD!
Email Alberni Valley Curling Club

Alberni Valley Junior Baseball Association
Alberni Valley Junior Baseball Association
Youth baseball for boys and girls aged 6 to 17 years. Our goal is to foster and enhance the game of baseball in Port Alberni while teaching the game and helping players develop their skills. Good sportsmanship on and off the field are paramount.
Email Alberni Valley Junior Baseball Association

Alberni Valley Minor Hockey Association
Email Alberni Valley Minor Hockey Association

Alberni Valley Minor Softball Association
Alberni Valley Minor Softball Association
Recreational softball leagues for Children & Youth
Email Alberni Valley Minor Softball Association

Alberni Valley Mixed Volleyball League
Alberni Valley Mixed Volleyball League
The Alberni Valley Mixed Volleyball Association is a group of mixed volleyball teams that play recreational volleyball on Mondays nights, between 7 and 9:30 pm, in our local school gymnasiums. After play on each Monday night, players and teams are invited to meet and socialize at the local pub where prizes are given out.
The league play begins near the beginning of October each year and ends around the end of April the following year. There is approximately 20 weeks of play each season. Teams are usually made up of 3 girls and 3 guys; players are of ALL SKILL LEVELS AND THE FOCUS IS TO HAVE A FUN ENVIRONMENT FOR EVERYONE from beginners to more advanced. The teams are arranged within the league in groups of 4 or 5 where they will play each other for usually 3 weeks then the top 2 teams in each division will move up to the next division and the bottom 2 teams in each of the divisions will move down. This helps to keep the level of play equal within the league.
At the end of the season ( Near the end of April ) there is a final playoff day held on a saturday and then all teams are invited to a season wind up social.
If you are interested in joining the league as a team or just a player please feel free to email us for more information. Information can be seen under the contacts section of our website.
Email Alberni Valley Mixed Volleyball League

Alberni Valley Outdoor Club
Email Alberni Valley Outdoor Club

Alberni Valley Track Club
Alberni Valley Track Club
The Alberni Valley Track Club is a non-profit organization which offers a year-round track program in the Alberni Valley. The club is open to all youths aged 6 and up.
Programs include:
- Rascals Program for ages 6-8
- Fitness and non-competitive (ages 8+)
- Competitive (ages 9+)
- Masters (18+)
- Triathlon Program (ages 8-18) in conjunction with the Tsunami Swim Club
All practices are held at the Bob Dailey Stadium (with some trail runs).
The AVTC is 100% run by our volunteer parents and coaches.
Email Alberni Valley Track Club

Alberni Valley Wrestling Club
Alberni Valley Wrestling Club
The Alberni Valley Wrestling Club (AVWC) is an umbrella organization representing wrestling programs at Valley Elementary Schools and at Alberni District Secondary School (ADSS). AVWC has wrestlers in both the female and male divisions including all school age divisions (schoolboy, cadet, juvenile and junior). The club's annual membership typically includes over 100 students from grades 5 through 12. AVWC also provides support for many senior members who are now wrestling for University and College programs. The club's tradition of success both on and off the mats spans more than 30 years. Accordingly, the membership also includes alumni who remain involved as coaches, parents and sponsors.
Email Alberni Valley Wrestling Club

Alberni Valley Youth Soccer Association
Alberni Valley Youth Soccer Association
Registration for the 2018/2019 season will open online mid-April.
Email Alberni Valley Youth Soccer Association

AV Major Men’s Softball Association
Email AV Major Men’s Softball Association

BC Special Olympics
BC Special Olympics
Port Alberni - Special Olympics BC have many programs in the community.
Email BC Special Olympics

Blue Wave Swim Club
Email Blue Wave Swim Club

Dragon Martial Arts Academy (Tae Kwon Do)
Email Dragon Martial Arts Academy (Tae Kwon Do)

Dry Creek Horseshoe Club
Dry Creek Horseshoe Club
Any further questions about Dry Creek Horseshoe Club, please call the number below.
Email Dry Creek Horseshoe Club

Ladies Baskeball League
Email Ladies Baskeball League

Mount Arrowsmith Skating Club
Mount Arrowsmith Skating Club
We provide CANSKATE, CANPOWER and Figure Skating programs with Skate Canada certified coaches.
Email Mount Arrowsmith Skating Club

Port Alberni Black Sheep Rugby Club
Port Alberni Black Sheep Rugby Club
Amateur sports organization that promotes the sport of Rugby in the Alberni Valley.
Email Port Alberni Black Sheep Rugby Club

Port Alberni Field Hockey
Email Port Alberni Field Hockey

Port Alberni Gymnastic Academy
Port Alberni Gymnastic Academy
PAGA-GYM does not only help you develop phyically, is helps you with your building block for life.
Email Port Alberni Gymnastic Academy

Port Alberni Highland Dancers Association
Port Alberni Highland Dancers Association
Port Alberni Highland Dancers Assn sponsors an annual open highland dance competition each spring to promote highland dance in the Alberni Valley.
Email Port Alberni Highland Dancers Association

Port Alberni Junior Badminton Club
Port Alberni Junior Badminton Club
Providing access to a fun, low cost and sportsmanlike activity for kids ages 8-18!
Email Port Alberni Junior Badminton Club

Port Alberni Ladies Non Contact Hockey Club
Email Port Alberni Ladies Non Contact Hockey Club

Port Alberni Lawn Bowling Club
Email Port Alberni Lawn Bowling Club

Port Alberni Men’s Non Contact Hockey League
Port Alberni Men’s Non Contact Hockey League
The arena holds a capacity of 1,854 fans and is home to a very electric environment.
Email Port Alberni Men’s Non Contact Hockey League

Port Alberni Taekwondo
Email Port Alberni Taekwondo

Rainbow Lanes Bowling
Email Rainbow Lanes Bowling

Sproat Lake Canoe Club
Sproat Lake Canoe Club
Sproat Lake Canoe Club offers opportunities to paddle our 2 Outrigger Canoes (OC4 or OC6) year round. Equipment is provided.
Email Sproat Lake Canoe Club

Sproat Lake Water Sports Association
Sproat Lake Water Sports Association
Water Sports on our beautiful Sproat Lake
Email Sproat Lake Water Sports Association

Sunday Mixed Slo-Pitch League
Sunday Mixed Slo-Pitch League
This is a fun sport to just HAVE FUN!!!
Email Sunday Mixed Slo-Pitch League

Tsunami Swim Club
Tsunami Swim Club
The club offers a learn to swim program (Fundamentals) as well as higher level groups.
Email Tsunami Swim Club

West Coast Combat Sports
West Coast Combat Sports
West Coast Combat Sports is a martial arts and fitness facility specializing in
Kickboxing / Muay Thai
Email West Coast Combat Sports