Electric Mermaid: Featuring Karen Hofmann @Char's


Wednesday, June 26, 2024 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm


Char's Landing

4815 Argyle Street, Port Alberni


Electric Mermaid: Live Reads from Char's Landing, Port Alberni, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
Emcee: Derek Hanebury  Moderator: Karl Korven   ZOOM Producer: Charlene Patterson
Spoken Word Open Mic at Char's Landing, last Wednesday of each month
ZOOM Hybrid event.  Char's physical doors open 5:30pm Pacific Time 
Karen Hofmann grew up in the Okanagan Valley and taught English and creative writing at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops, British Columbia for nearly three decades, and now lives in Victoria.  Her first collection of poetry, Water Strider, was published by Frontenac House in 2008 and shortlisted for the Dorothy Livesay prize.   Her first novel, After Alice, was published by NeWest Press in 2014, and a second novel, What is Going to Happen Next, in 2017, followed by sequels A Brief View from the Coastal Suite, in 2021, and Where We Live in 2024.  A short fiction collection, Echolocation, was released by NeWest in 2019.  Karen’s fiction explores the lives, relationships, and work of contemporary British Columbians.
READER  01 Bill Engleson 5 min   via zoom  (Denman Island B.C)
READER 02 Jennifer Wenn  5 min  via  zoom  (  London   Ont )
FEATURE1 Karen Hofmann  20min +Q&A In  person  (Victoria B.C)
READER 03 Vicki Drybrough  5 min   in person    in  Person   ( Port   Abeberni  B.C )
READER 04 Kathleen Vance   5min   via  Zoom ( Gibsons  B.C)
RAINCHECK N.A,V  Victory  10 min  Electric  Mermaid   spotlight   in Person  ( Port  Alberni  B.C)
READER 06 Atma Frans 5 min  Via zoom   (  Gibsons  B.C )
READER 07 Joe Lunchbucket   5min  In  person   (  Port  Alberni  B.C.)
READER  08 Victoria  Roscoe-Roumanis  5 min in person   (Port   Alberni  B.C)
READER 09  David Kipling  5 min  Via  zoom   ( Gibsons  B.C)
READER 10 Leslie Omohundro-Bronczkowski
READER 11 Robbie Van
READER 00 Derek Hanebury
20 minutes + Q&A,  In  person  (Victoria B.C)
May 29th  Atma Frans' https://alberni.ca/events/37376
April 24th Kathleen Vance  & David Kippling https://alberni.ca/events/37375
March 27th Janice Nielsen https://alberni.ca/events/37374
February 28th Perry Bulwer + Judith Reeves https://alberni.ca/events/37373
January 31st Karen Poirier https://alberni.ca/events/37360 
Char’s Landing 19+ (accompanied kids welcome until 10pm)
4815 Argyle @5th Port Alberni, Vancouver Island, CANADA V9Y 1V9
Tel: 778-421-2427 www.charslanding.com
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