Biodynamic Gardening


Wednesday, February 24, 2016 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm


North Island College

3699 Roger Street, Port Alberni


Hi Biodynamic Gardeners


Louis Swann and I will be discussing Biodynamic Gardening Wednesday Feb 24th @ 7 - 9 pm at North Island College.  ( please note the date change)


We will  be discussing  in detail the use of the Biodynamic Planting Calendar.  Will  also discuss compost (humus) production and the use of the Biodynamic preparations 500 - 508.


We will also supply some of last summers barrel compost to participants.  Barrel Compost is a quick way to get the Biodynamic preparations on  your garden and it can also be used to help decay organic matter (as a compost inoculate).


All  are welcome.  I hope experienced Biodynamic Gardeners will participate and share their experiences with those gardeners just new to Biodynamic Gardening.


To heal the Earth


Gary and Louis Swann

Leda Organic Farm