
Tuesday, December 1, 2015 - 9:01am to Thursday, December 24, 2015 - 5:00pm


Other Venue

Other Venue Details: 

Throughout Port Alberni


Bill Collette - Chamber of Commerce

If you TRY HOME FIRST throughout December for your shopping and general spending needs then YOU might just win some prizes of Thanks!
Many local stores, shops and restaurants have partnered with the Chamber of Commerce to bring this unique program to Port Alberni. Our partners have all provided us with at least one $100.00 Gift Card for the program. In turn, we have purchased a $25.00 Gift Card from them for each $100.00 GC they provide. Throughout December until and including the 24th we'll be out in the community visiting these businesses to find YOU. If we do, and if you're making a purchase then you just might be the immediate recipient of our $25.00 GC to be used for your purchase PLUS your name will go into our draw, to be held in Mid-January for the big prizes! We'll for sure have a first prize of $2500.00 made up of 25 local Gift Cards and we'll have 2nd and 3rd prizing as well! Perhaps even more as we're still in the midst of collecting all of this dough!
See you at home here in Port Alberni and.....THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING LOCAL BUSINESS.