Potluck + Working Social - Alberni Valley Transition Town Society (7-9pm)


Wednesday, December 16, 2015 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm


Char's Landing

4815 Argyle Street, Port Alberni


[email protected] 778-421-2427

Wed, Dec 16th , 7-9pm, Potluck + Working Social - Alberni Valley Transition Town Society
Working social.  Where we are.  Where we need to go.  Things we want to tackle without setting any deadlines.
Bring a plate of nibblies (optional).  Everyone is welcome.
FMI [email protected]  http://www.avtransitiontown.org/  https://www.facebook.com/groups/avtts/
FMI http://alberni.ca/events/    Char’s 19+ Lounge open 5:30-12midnight 365+ days a year www.charslanding.com Char’s Landing, 4815 Argyle @5th. Port Alberni V9Y 1V9