Positive Port!

WE ALREADY HAVE A CITY OF LOVE. That is one of the ideas I received from a speaker at Food and Filosophy. Stop trying to impose this idea on people. Look around Port Alberni, these loving people are all over the City! I will no longer talk about this topic. I am now going to act as if it exists, and it will appear as I believe. I was also told that talking is not the way to encourage this loving community. I was told that I have to be the change that I intend to see in this community. I must be the example of this loving city. Action speaks louder than words. Another person asked me about wearing red on Wednesdays, and I am no longer going to talk about this idea. I will just do it! So, I now look at my fellow citizens with loving eyes. We see the world, not as it is but as we are. Wherever I go, I encounter LOVE! This is my perspective and I am not laying this trip on anyone!
This group has already started to be active. You saw them at the Fireworks, and the Bull Head Derby. There they were at the Midway of the Annual Fall Fair. I spent some time with them, and it seems that the people of Port Alberni just flow to their wheel at the midway! I looked around many times when I was on duty on Friday, and saw the fantastic response of the Lions.
Again, they were three at the Terry Fox Run at the Legion Building. What amazed me is the number of people who came out to help. I am glad to see the Lions engaged with other organizations of this Valley. We are all here to serve. See what I mean by loving community! Thanks for the lessons..
FOOD AND FILOSOPHY. Thanks you for the many ideas that you gave me. I realize it is my perception that makes all the difference. Two men look out of prison bars; one saw mud, while the other saw starts. For a while, I have been looking at the mud, but now my eyes are steadily on the stars. THE LOVING PEOPLE OF PORT ALBERNI! You can see whatever world you want, I am done with the mud and looking at the stars! Our next meeting is on October 5th, and the topic is HAPPINESS! ARE YOU A HAPPY PESON? I am going to assume that we have some of the happiest people in the world, for there is a correlation between loving people and happy people. Join us at Dolce Vita at 5:30 p.m for the meal, and this will be followed by the discussion. You will share with the other members the foundation of your happy life!
CELEBRATE THE WORD! This is our eighth year. Thanks to all your fellow citizens who have been delighting the residents at Abbeyfield and other visitors. This is our eighth year. I am appealing to all those who look forward to Forest Fair to have their literary fill of the mighty word. This little group is doing it every year! I was speaking to one of my nephews recently and he told me that one of his passions is memorizing poetry! We have now agreed to share our memorized poetry. I do hope that I can get him to one of our meetings in Port Alberni! Again, we meet on September 30th at 6 p.m. I am working on the Seven Ages of Man by Shakespeare. Thanks in advance!
PaGo Grannies. What a group. I am the only grand pa there. I accompany my wife and I am amazed at the spirit of these ladies. They heard Stephen Lewis address the large crowd at A.D.S.S., and they have been steadfast in their support for people they do not know oar met! You saw them working at the Bulldog games, at the Salmon Derby, at Tag Days, and now they invite you to their Garage sale on October 3rd at Trinity Hall from 9-12. Come and support this hardworking group. They teach me of the inter-connectedness of people. You see, I keep meeting up these angels wherever I go!
THE JERICO CHURCH GROUP AND THEIR GARAGE SALE! You were there on Saturday last at this sale. It was all held to support Pat Kokura in an effort to assist street kids in Uganda. I asked about the name of their church, and was told the story of the man who was traveling along the Jericho Road and was robbed and beaten and was helped by this Samaritan! Who is my neighbour? You saw the answer of the many people who were working to help their brothers and sisters in Uganda..
This was my encounter just for one week! The people living here are veritable TREASURES!